Monday, November 26, 2007

PHOTO: In memory of Evangelist Bill Bowman

The following is a message from a sister on a public forum.
I trust it will bless you as it did me:

Sis. S-------,

That is profound! Powerful! Your bolded statement is what every child of God should learn to do. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

I was the eldest daughter of parents of eleven children. Before I married I knew how to care for children because I had been "pushed" from the "nest"by those younger than I and helped care for them. As the elder children grew and matured, they helped care for those coming into the family. By the time I was married I had learned how to care for children, cook, do laundry, etc. I received the Holy Ghost just prior to my dad starting a church work. The eleventh child had been born earlier that same year. I had graduated from high school at 17 and helped provide for my little brothers and sisters. I married the next year after Dad started the work for the Lord in our community. As we had our children I was also helping nurture and mother my younger brothers and sisters and also the new"babies" coming into the church. So I learner a lot about mothering and nurturing. I learned first hand.

I heard Joyce Meyer on the radio say that people are always coming up to her and saying, "Joyce, I wish I had what you have". She said,"It's not fair for them to want what I have without going through what I have been through to get what I have". Think about that! Where are the mothers and fathers in Zion (the church) today! The elders!! They have been replaced by those who claim that the elders are the pastors or the ministry. I feel this has put a lot of undue pressure on pastors and ministers to do it all, so to speak. No wonder there are so many burned-out. Everyone is taught that the pastor or pastor's wife should do all the counselling. Paul told young Timothy not to rebuke an elder. When it is assumed that that only applies to the pastor, this puts the pastor into a position where the people in the pew look to one man and that's wherethey go for everything. Paul went on to tell young Timothy not only to not rebuke the older men and women but to intreat them as fathers and mothers, and to treat the younger men as brothers and the younger women as sisters, with all purity. If this was followed, there might be less problems all around. Jesus taught his disciples that they were not to call men "Father" andwe can talk about the catholics all we want. Jesus also told them not to be called some other things also. Perhaps
Matthew 23 needs to be re-visited. Perhaps people need to get back into the Bible and out of man-made books. Read it for yourselves. Take the pressure off the men in the pulpits who should be sowing seeds on how to "deliver" spiritual babes.

My sister is going to have gall bladder surgery today. She has survived cancer the past two years. Her cancer doctor is not doing the surgery as that is not his expertise. He did recommend someone he knew was. There are physicians that have general practices but if you are wise you will go to the Specialist for your desperate needs. The Wonderful Counsellor should still be consulted for those things you are desperate or concerned about. Have we consulted HIM lately!We are told to know those that labour among us. Children are gullible.That's why they need good parents. Wise men AND women, (parents) will still seek HIM for those things that are precious to them. This is in no way intended to be offensive toward anyone. But there are some real problems that needs to be acknowledged sometime, some-where, by someone. Like that plumbing problem I have mentioned in other threads, you ignore it and it will show up sooner or later and sometimes much sooner and oh, what a mess.

Just some serious thoughts from a senior sister who been down the road a ways and am glancing back to those behind me, as to warn them, whether they are pastors and wives, saints, whoever, there are perils along the way.There is no greater place to go when we have problems or situations wecan't handle. THE Wonderful Counsellor is well able to take care of it all.Children should go to parents who should teach them early on to trust inthe Lord. But adults SHOULD be taking their burdens, their problems and situations to GOD in prayer and if you are not on speaking terms or do not have a CLOSE RELATIONSHIP with HIM, don't you think it's about time you did!!! HIS NAME IS JESUS!! We don't hear these old songs much anymore but many of them speak volumes.

What a Friend we have in JESUS,
All our sins and griefs to bear;
What a Privilege to carry,
OH, what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,All because we do not carry,

Blessings, Falla39

Thank you, Sis Falla39, for your inspiring words.

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