Sunday, November 18, 2007

I've always liked this picture. Its of Evangelist Oral Roberts from his tent revival days. He is praying for a little girl. I wish I knew more about this picture. Who is the little girl? What was her problem? When (and where) was the picture taken?
The intensity ... the sincerity... the compassion captured here exemplifies what is right about the Pentecostal message. Jesus came to " and to save that which was lost...". Have you ever felt like something was lost? Maybe you had more joy at one time... or more peace... or... more of something.... but now you seem to have lost it? I know the feeling.
I wonder if that is what this little girl was feeling. Like, maybe, she had lost something. Maybe her health. Well, I don't know... but there is an intensity here that says, "Here, let me help you find it". Jesus promised that if we "seek", we will "find". I wonder, what are you looking for in life? Everyboy is looking for someone. I read about a man who had been adopted as a child. He spent a good part of his life searching for his birth mother. He moved to a certain state and became acquainted with an elderly woman there. As they talked, they discovered... yep, you guessed it. That woman was his mother. So, have you lost something? Something missing in your life? Keep searching. Its there. And, you know what? It may have not been lost at all. Maybe... just maybe, in the hustle and bustle of life, it was you who had lost your way. Maybe its you who needs an encouraging word, the touch of a compassionate hand.

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